Who we are...what we stand for

Ghana Poultry Network (GAPNET) is a community-based non-profit organization that connects rural communities with development partners and other NGOs to increase household income, empower women and provide environmental education. .

Our Vision

“To ensure that every Ghanaian has increased household incomes, adequate access to food and health care services”.

Our Mission

“To promote sustainable development through linking people everywhere to give them the opportunity to design and implement appropriate projects for human, environmental and economic issues of global, national and local dimensions”.

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touching lives and making a difference

Freqently Asked Questions

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What is GAPNET?

The Ghana Poultry Network (GAPNET) is a community based, non-profit and non-governmental organization recognized by the Department of Social Welfare of Ghana in 2003 and Registered with the Registrar General’s Department of Ghana in 2002.

What are your mission, vision and objectives?

Our Vision:
“To ensure that every Ghanaian has increased household incomes, adequate access to food and health care services”.


Our Mission:
“To promote sustainable development through linking people everywhere to give them the opportunity to design and implement appropriate projects for human, environmental and economic issues of global, national and local dimensions”.


Our Objectives:
Amongst our many objectives, the Ghana Poultry Network (GAPNET) undertakes activities meant to:

  1. To link rural communities with donor development partners and non-government organizations for direct contact with these organizations;
  2. To facilitate communities in writing project proposals addressed to developing partner organizations/NGO;
  3. To promote community entry techniques with development partners/donors and rural communities;
  4. To promote the development of rural poultry as the first step in wealth creation;
  5. To promote the cultural heritage of the Ghanaian people countrywide;
  6. To promote and encourage planting of trees for the purpose of preventing soil erosion, deforestation etc;
  7. Promote the use of appropriate technologies in farming, forestation, small and medium scale industries, etc. for the improvement of living conditions in deprived communities;
  8. To educate people on HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases and support people living with these diseases;
  9. To promote reconciliation in conflict areas;
  10. To facilitate and enhance the formation of community-based organizations/ farmers-based organizations and women’s groups hence assist them in accessing credit from rural banks;
  11. To promote development of micro-finances for organizations both at the rural and urban level;

Who are your main partners?

Our main partners are:

  1. Serving Christ Ministries, USA
  2. Veterinarians without Borders (VWB) - Canada
  3. Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)-UK
  4. Brooke’s West Africa-Dakar Senegal
  5. Cornell University
  6. Drilling for Hope, USA

What is your geographic area of operations in Ghana?

Our operational areas in Ghana are the Upper East Region, Eastern Region, and Greater Accra Region.

From which organizations has GAPNET received support to undertake activities?

GAPNET has received support from the following organizations to undertake its activities since 2002:

  1. German Development Service/Agency
  2. Engineers Without Borders of Columbia University, USA
  3. Engineers Without Borders of Rose-Hulman Institute, Indiana, USA
  4. Engineers Without Borders, Northern Arizona University, USA
  5. First Congregational Church of Ithaca, USA (Micro finance)
  6. Danish Network for Smallholder Poultry Development
  7. Sankofa Foundation, The Netherlands
  8. Children’s Hope International, St Louis, MO, Inc, USA
  9. Serving Christ Ministries, USA
  10. Drilling for Hope, USA
  11. Anonymous/Individual/Private donors
  12. .